Ep. 2 - Nik Border: Relationships as Portals to the New World


Hello, and welcome back to Be More Connected. The conversation that I'm sharing today [00:01:00] comes from the virtual interview. Sirius that I hosted last summer. The series, which I called the soulful abundance festival is one of my favorite projects. That I've worked on in my business to date. This festival featured 28 amazing guest speakers.

And I learned. So much and grew so much during the months that I spent bringing this event to life. And the purpose of this series was to provide participants with a variety of tools and perspectives. To create an abundant life on their own terms. And the tagline for this event was create the abundance you desire and deserve.

By living in alignment with your soul. Which is really the forever vibe over here at be more connected.

And this interview with Nik Border was such a special one. [00:02:00] Their perspective and the frameworks that they use to talk about relationships and intimacy. We're so profound. And it felt very fitting to include this interview in this first season where we're focusing in on the theme of community. Nik is a somatic consultant.

And an intuitive, Tarot reader with a background in community organizing and Nik's passion lies in relating authentically with others. Exactly where they are in order to explore vulnerability in brave spaces. In this interview, we discuss how relationships are the center of everything and examine how relationships can be used.

As exploratory ground. For tending to the fractures and aspects of disconnection that arise in our individual and collective experiences. [00:03:00] So I hope that you enjoy this interview. And if you do, please consider leaving a five star review. For the next two weeks, I'm running a giveaway contest. And anyone who submits a rating and review will be automatically entered into a drawing to win a human design reading with me.

And at the end of those two weeks, I will be selecting three winners. All right now onto the episode.

Elyse Preston: thank you so much for being here. I'm

Nik Border: super excited. Thank you for having me.

Elyse Preston: Yes. And After our pre-interview conversation, I was just so lit up and so excited about having the opportunity to dive deep into this concept [00:04:00] of relationships as portals into the new world and love to. Actually first have the opportunity to ground in a little bit more about your own personal story of healing and how that got you to where you are today and the work that you're doing in the world.

Nik Border: Yes. So my personal journey is super non-linear. I feel like I've been having this over many lifetimes. But for this particular lifetime my journey through coming back to myself started very young and I think that's because. For myself, what is most accessible for me is my intuitive sense.

So having a childhood that was filled with a lot of violence and harm and danger was a huge shock to my energetic body. And even though I didn't have a language from a young age, there was just this inner knowing. [00:05:00] That something was off. I was meeting more. I was existing inside of spaces and environments that were very scarce.

The people who were moving through these spaces themselves didn't have access to a lot of things they needed. So I was just asking a lot of questions. Like I was that young child, just like . Why is this happening? how are you feeling about this and not really having a lot of feedback in the spaces I was moving through when I was young.

So kind of just looking around and asking myself questions, like where could I go to find out more information about what I'm noticing. in my own life in my friend's lives. So many of the people that I, you know, was in school with were experiencing similar things to me. And I'm just looking around, like, why are we all experiencing this?

You know, is there some overarching thing that's kind of playing [00:06:00] into why we're all having these same issues? So I ended up going to school for social work. During my master's program, I specialize in community organizing and I was working on a lot of those like macro level systems. Systemic change and quickly became burnout because I was not attending to my individual body at all.

And that is what eventually led me to doing somatic work, which for me is a very body centered exploration. Recognizing the ways that I was, I felt very connected to my collective body, but had no understanding of my own individual felt. Didn't have cues for hunger. My sleep schedule was completely off.