Ep. 16 - Nikolina Adzic: Getting Comfortably Naked With Your Truth

[00:00:00] Elyse Preston: Hello everyone and welcome back to the V More [00:01:00] Connected podcast. I'm your host, Elise Preston, and today I am so grateful and so excited to have my friend and fellow practitioner, Lina Ad. Lina is a somatic guide and energy healer, writer and freedom facilitator, and in our conversation today, I'm excited to dive.

And have a really juicy conversation around expanding our conceptualization of what intimacy even is and really explore how as women in femmes, we can develop a deeper and richer connection with ourselves, our body, our souls, and our spirits. And so Nicolina, I would love to be able to start off by just asking you to share a little bit more about your work and the ways that you love to support people.

Nikolina Adzic: Yes. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Um, as you were introducing this episode, I was like, yes, yes, yes. and just getting excited [00:02:00] and, um, you know, I guess my work has really stems from my own journey as most of, as most of us, right. And, and what I realized at one point in my life is how deeply disconnected I was and how, um, How deeply, you know, I was affected by these wounds and these, like the programming and things like that of, of society and my background and my family and my ancestry and things like that, that had really taken me away from this empowered state of intimacy and being this like sensual and deeply connected, um, woman person being.

A lot of my work and how I love to support people is, um, with exactly that, to connect people with their bodies, um, and really establish this foundation of. Of being able to recognize and communicate with your body, right? Because our, our world is so [00:03:00] fast and so many of our actions are on autopilot, and we do so many things out of this state, and that actually kills the essence of, you know, connections and sensuality.

And vulnerability and all these different things. So I'm a firm believer and really passionate about actually, reverting that and going into all the shadowy aspects, um, of our being and our soul and, and our bodies. So that is a little bit about my work .

Elyse Preston: So powerful and I feel like it. So beautiful to be able to have a lens on all of your work that is not just about supporting women with the.

Relationship with their bodies singularly, but being able to really go deep into some of these concepts of vulnerability, of [00:04:00] sensuality in addition to sexuality, of really understanding what it means to, I love the way that you described , in your more like in depth bio, , helping. Own their power, , to own their wild essence and unam their spirit.

And would love if you could, just shed a little bit more light on what that means in terms of the context of the ways that you've moved through this in your own personal life, , but also in the ways that you've connected with clients and community members.

Nikolina Adzic: Yeah, absolutely. So they're really, you know, and, and yes, like when we think about, when we deeply connect to ourselves and when we, when we have this acceptance and this admiration and love and this mutual respect with our bodies, the way that we behave in the world, the way that we behave with our partners, our friends, our neighbors, you know, basically the way that we interact with everything.

Is very [00:05:00] much different. And if we think about, you know, if we're consistently in a state of contraction, if we're, you know, unsure and, and this really goes into the program, so I work with a lot of women and women identifying people. So, you know, we've been taught our whole lives like, sit with your legs crossed, be a lady, you know, do this, do that.

So we carry this so deeply within us. So everywhere that we show up, There's a, you know, in our subconscious, there's this programming of, am I sitting right? Oh, am I showing too much skin? Oh, am I too loud? Right? So when we're in that programming and that questioning, it takes away from the essence of the moment and the life that we're currently truly fully living, because we could not be in this moment just, you know, enjoying.

I can't, you know, there's, it's snowing where I'm currently at a lot, there's a lot of snow, right? So it's like I can't enjoy this moment fully and be in it. If in the back of my mind I am also trying to be like, well, am I [00:06:00] gonna sound right? Am I using too many this or that? So, You know, when I, when I talk about unleashing and unam, it's, and sometimes we think that, you know, this like wild essence, it has to be loud, right?

And it's like, you know, and it's not true and it can be. But basically what I, what to me, this wild essence and untamed essence means is the kind of presence you have. It's really about presence. And a wild untamed presence can be silent as well. You know, and, and I'm sure that you've met people or been around people that, you know, they walk into a room and you feel something, right?

They move something and oftentimes we think, oh, you know, that's reserved for a few people. I can't have that. And it's not true. Every one of us has that, you know, this unique print, this unique DNA that has the capacity to show up who, I get goosebumps saying that it has a capacity to show up [00:07:00] and literally, Move, like move a whole room just through their presence alone.

But how we get to that state is through. All the, you know, and I call it, I, I've been really focusing on this concept of, of getting bear peeling off the layers and, and it's really, you know, to get to that, we have to really remove all the layers and really get bear naked with ourselves and, and start to work on that connection with.

Okay. How do I behave with myself when it's just me naked in my skin? And, and then from there is when we cultivate this untamed and unleash this like wild presence.