Welcome to The Growth Collective 💫

Before our first Community Call on October 16th, when you have about 15-20 minutes to dedicate to this activity, please respond to the questions below. This will help you stay focused for the next 6 weeks and remind you of your WHY.

📝 The Growth Collective Intentions

<aside> ⏰ Time: 20 min



🌟 What's your BIG WHY? What do you want to create MOST in this life? If you could have one dream fully realized, what would it be?


At the end of the 6 week period, I want to:

💣 Action Based Milestones

It will feel amazing to commit to doing these three small actions every week, because I know they'll help me reach my big audacious goals…

💞 What will you do to prioritize self nourishment during your time in the program?

Example: I'll schedule a nature date to reflect on what I’ve been learning.